DJ Talk

38% of Men Are Fine Watching Outdoor Pro Sports in Freezing Temps . . . 22% of Women Agree

 It was painful watching those NFL games last weekend . . . and not just for Cowboys fans, Eagles fans, and delusional Browns fans.

Several of the games were played in FREEZING temperatures, particularly in Kansas City and Buffalo . . . and some of those fans looked miserably cold.

A new poll asked people what’s the COLDEST temperature they’d be willing to attend an outdoor, pro sports event . . . and 38% of men said they’d be fine with freezing temperatures, including 3% who are okay with BELOW ZERO.

22% of women would also be fine in freezing temps, including 2% who claim they’d be okay with below zero temperatures.  (If you break that down by age, young adults are FAR more likely to do it than people 45 and older.)

On the flip-side, 13% of men and 20% of women say they wouldn’t watch a sporting event outside unless it was AT LEAST 50 degrees out.

(Source YouGov)

Tejay Schwartz

Morning Drive Jock at GM Broadcasting / 102.5 The Vault. -- I was born in Denmark and moved to the US with my family when I was 3. I grew up in Upstate NY and have lived here since. I graduated from JC High school and Sullivan County Community. I'm working The 102.5 The Vault Morning Show as well as traffic (scheduling commercials).