Random Labor Day facts and stats . . .
Did you know this Monday is also Labor Day in Canada? They just spell it differently . . . L-A-B-O-U-R. Typical Canada.
And in Japan, they mix Labor Day with . . . Thanksgiving. It’s actually called Labor Thanksgiving Day, and it’ll be celebrated on November 23rd.
Here are a few more random Labor Day facts and stats . . .
1. Oregon was the first state to make Labor Day an official public holiday back in 1887. It caught on quick. By the time it became a FEDERAL holiday in 1894, 30 states were officially celebrating Labor Day.
2. 35% of the work force belonged to UNIONS in the 1950s. That was PEAK UNION. Now, it’s just 10.3%.
3. According to a new Gallup poll, 71% of Americans said they support labor unions . . . that’s the highest percentage since 1965. It was 68% last year.
4. In one poll, 68% of people said Labor Day is their “favorite holiday” . . . which seems like it has to be a mistake. (???)
5. 53% of Americans plan to get out of town for Labor Day weekend, and 36% plan to travel by car. Gas prices have been falling for almost two months now, but the average price of regular gasoline is still up 23% from last Labor Day. The national average today is $3.83.
6. Celebration plans vary by generation. Gen Z are most likely to go out for food and drinks, travel, and attend or host a party . . . while Boomers are most likely to gather with family and friends . . . and Gen X are the most likely to grill.
7. 51% of Americans have gone a year or longer without taking a vacation.
8. The current unemployment rate is 3.5%, which is the lowest it’s been in a half-century. Well, actually it’s tied for the lowest. The only other months that it’s been 3.5% were: January and February of 2020. And we all remember what happened in March.
9. 87% of people think they should get a raise to keep up with inflation . . . but it isn’t just inflation. 55% say they’ve worked harder since the pandemic began.